(bear~) x 214
Meiyi Wrote @ Wednesday, December 01, 2010 @ 1:17 AM
Bear~ She is here to update!
It's been so long since her last personal update...

not sure did she mention about her bluetooth?
haha.. maybe she did but whatever..
The dealer she caught is now known as Mr bluetooth..
all thanks to her Colleague...

Because her
Colleague always wanna know who is the person she caught attention to..
so ask her to bluetooth that person image to her..
problem is.. she can't carry any phone with her..
so..from that day onwards.. that dealer she is looking at.. is now knwn as Mr bluetooth..

She saw Bluetooth on the day she work midnight past few days back..
Bluetooth change and ready to go off she guess..

First time she caught him in home tee.. (cute cute cute)...
She can't move her eye sight away from him.. LOLLLLL..
BUT.. he caught her looking at him.. (OOPPPSSS)
she turn but she look back.. he turn away and look again..
Seriously.. that bluetooth is killing her..
He did enlighten her shift.. she can't stop smiling at the flash back image on her brain..

But right now.. she didn't know his name, his shift..
She can only catch him when she occur something bad and having a super bad mood..
this isn't first time.. it happen lot's of time when she is really down..
He appear.. :D

